Vanpool in Durham

Way to Go Durham is committed to helping save you time and money through our vanpool program in partnership with Commute with Enterprise. Vanpools are groups of four or more commuters who pick their route, schedule, and pick-up points in a vehicle maintained by Commute with Enterprise.
With the support of the Durham County Transit Plan, Way to Go Durham will contribute up to $1500/month towards the cost of new vanpools starting and/or ending in Durham County. The subsidy will cover all of the program’s costs, excluding fuel, for the majority of the commuter groups.
Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint or help with congestion mitigation? Do you or your employer want to improve your corporate citizenship, widen your recruitment radius, reduce employee turnover, and increase productivity? Whatever your reason, vanpooling can help you and your business with a smarter way to work. The Commuter Programs: Drive the Bottom Line webinar will focus on the Triangle region vanpool program and how it can support the goals of commuters, local businesses, and benefits-focused organizations.
Way to Go Durham has created the “Vanpool Tool Kit,” a resource of marketing materials for employers to share across their organizations to further connect employees to transportation. To request branded materials, please complete this form.
Download the PDF Durham Vanpool Subsidy Flyer
Vanpool News and Updates
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
The vanpool pricing is determined by the type of vehicle, the monthly commute miles, and the number of people in your vanpool. The more riders, the lower the cost per person. The average vanpooler saves up to 75% on their commuting costs versus driving their own personal vehicle. Not sure of your current commuting costs? Use our Commute Cost Calculator to find out and estimate your savings. The Durham Vanpool Subsidy ($1,500) will cover all of the program’s costs, excluding fuel, for the majority of the commuter groups.
What are the vehicles like?
Each vanpool program is customized to the specific needs of its riders. Participants can choose a qualifying vanpool vehicle from Enterprise’s selection of makes and models, including crossovers, SUVs, minivans, and ample passenger vans. Vanpoolers may decide to upgrade their vehicles with optional high-end features such as satellite radio, in-vehicle Wi-Fi service, and power ports for individual seats. Vanpoolers will receive new or low-mileage vehicles. Vanpool groups have the flexibility to change to a different size or type of vehicle as needed. Vehicles are typically replaced by 40,000 or fewer miles for standard vehicles and 100,000 or fewer miles for larger specialty vehicles.
Who takes care of maintenance and insurance?
All vanpools include maintenance, $1M in liability coverage and full physical damage protection with no deductible. When maintenance is due, we will notify the vanpool coordinator and provide instructions on how to get the maintenance completed at one of our many service providers.
What is my commitment to the van?
Vanpools are provided on a month-to-month basis. Vanpools can be canceled without penalty by the vanpool coordinator by giving Enterprise 30 days of written notice. Vanpool riders can also decide individually to leave a van and should notify their vanpool coordinator at least 30 days before leaving their vanpool.
What if the driver is sick or on vacation?
It is recommended that you have multiple drivers for any vanpool so that if someone is sick or on vacation there will be a backup driver and the vanpool can run as usual If there is only one driver then either the driver or riders can use our free Emergency Ride Home program to get home.
What if I or the driver has an emergency and needs to go home?
Share the Ride NC provides the FREE Emergency Ride Home program that vanpoolers can use in case of an emergency, whether your vanpool driver has to leave unexpectedly, you or a family member become sick, or you have to work overtime. Go to and register for free now so you’re ready if you ever need a taxi. You may use the service twice in a given month, up to six times a calendar year.