Light Up the Night

The City of Durham’s Department of Transportation’s Way to Go Durham program is promoting its “Light Up the Night” light safety campaign. The campaign seeks to enhance safety education and the visibility of children and residents while cycling, walking, or waiting at a bus stop across Durham.


Services and Resources

Way to Go Durham is a transportation resource that helps residents and commuters explore options for cost-effective travel across Durham.

Stay up to date with all of our programs and initiatives by subscribing to our monthly newsletter.

Share the Ride NC

Share the Ride NC (STRNC) is a FREE trip planning tool that will help you identify which commute option will work best for you.

Emergency Ride Home Program

TheEmergency Ride Home Program (ERH) is a free taxi ride to your home or vehicle when you do not drive alone to work and an emergency or unscheduled overtime arises. Registration is free on


Bus Transit

You do not need a ticket, pass, or ID. Riders can hop
on a GoDurham, GoCary, GoRaleigh, or GoTriangle
bus for FREE until June 30th, 2023.

Download Our Resource Cards

Way to Go Durham Rack Card


Join Us at our Pop Up Events

Stay tuned for our upcoming outreach events.

Stay tuned for our upcoming outreach events.