Back to School Sustainable Travel Tips

A cartoon of a school bus and some people.

Students and parents/guardians will return to the classroom starting in August. In honor of the back-to-school season, Way to Go Durham has compiled ways to travel sustainably to and from the classroom.

Ride the School Bus:

All students at Durham Public Schools (DPS) have access to a secure portal to view their student’s bus routes and schedules. To log in, enter your child’s last name and ID number to check the bus assignment or print a pass for a first-time rider. Contact or visit their school for additional information on your student’s bus route.

As an extra safety measure for your student, familiarize your student with bus stop crossing signals using the DPS Guide.  Review the Durham Public Schools Bus Safety Website for all other questions and safety resources.

Explore GoDurham’s or GoTriangle’s Free Transit:

If your student is old enough to ride GoDurham Transit or GoTriangle as a mode of transportation to and from school, this is a viable and accessible option. To plan their trip and identify routes, visit GoDurham or GoTriangle. Students do not need a pass or ID because all Triangle region buses are fare-free until June 2024. Students and guardians can track the bus in real-time using the myStop App on Apple or Android devices.

Form a Walking School Bus:

A walking school bus is a group of students and guardians who walk or ride bikes to and from school. If you live within walking distance from your student’s school, this option can increase your steps while decreasing your carbon footprint.

Enhance student and guardian participation by joining the Safe Routes to School Program. This program aims to make it safer for students to walk and bike to school and encourage more walking and biking where safety is not a barrier. Throughout the year, programs are hosted to promote biking, walking, or rolling to school. Learn more about events in Durham or coordinate your own here.

Create Your Carpool Crew:

A fun way to divide the ride between neighbors, friends, or teammates is by forming a carpool crew. As your students take on new extracurricular activities, spend time identifying neighbors or friends to create your carpool system. A successful carpool system relies on organization, communication, and commitment. Be the champion for your carpool crew and create your schedule, route, and plan.

Get ready to rock your school year sustainably.  Simple changes to your commute routine can significantly impact the environment and your family. Use these resources and share them with others. Have a great school year.


Posted on

July 11, 2023

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