Celebrating Transit Equity Day

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Transit Equity Day is a national initiative that advocates for affordable, safe, sustainable, and accessible public transportation for all. The holiday is celebrated annually on February 4th to honor the life and legacy of Rosa Parks on her birthday. Learn the day’s history, our efforts to improve transit access, and what you can do to celebrate.   


Rosa Parks played a crucial role in desegregating transit when she was arrested after she refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. Her arrest sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which led to the Supreme Court declaring segregated buses unconstitutional. Sixty-eight years later, we still acknowledge her heroic efforts by advocating for transportation equity.

What We’re Doing:

The City of Durham’s Department of Transportation is committed to making mobility a service that is accessible for all. Equity is an ongoing action, but here are a few of our programs and initiatives to help connect our residents to their jobs, health care, schools, and other necessities through our public transportation system.

Free Transit:

 Transit service across GoDurham, GoTriangle, GoCary is fare-free. 

Bus Stop Improvements:

With support from the Better Bus Project and the community, we have identified key areas to add lighting, sidewalks, and coverings at bus stops throughout the City.

GoDurham Connect Expansion:

Another effort to keep mobility as a service is the GoDurham Connect. GoDurham Connect is a pilot program with Lyft that allows riders to take a ride (up to $25) between their homes and bus stops or shopping centers, schools, and libraries.   

How to Celebrate:

Host a Community Bus Stop Cleanup  

You can connect with organizations such as Keep Durham Beautiful to lead a more organized clean-up for your community. Or you and a few friends can organize your own clean-up at a bus stop near you. You can locate your closest bus stop here. All you will need are a few trash bags, gloves, and thoughtfulness to reflect on the meaning of Transit Equity Day.  

Ride Transitlearn your route here. 

Join an Advocacy Group such as Bike Durham, or your local NAACP Chapter. 

Happy Transit Equity Day. Today and every day, we recognize the work of civil rights icons who mobilized to make transit accessible for all. We will continue doing our part to ensure that it remains that way for the years to come.





Posted on

January 9, 2023

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